Claire Auplat's CV


HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches), Paris Dauphine University, France. 

PhD in Management of innovation, Imperial College Business School, London, UK.

Doctorate in Policy and Institutions, Paris IV Sorbonne University, France.   

Agrégée de l’Université (English). 

Baccalaureate with majors in maths and physics (Bac C).


Innovation and policy.

Innovation and strategy.

Institutional entrepreneurship and institutional logics. 

Nanotechnologies. Emerging risks. Eco-design and sustainable development. Safer-By-Design approach


2016 -

Associate researcher, Dauphine Research in Management (DRM) research centre. DRM/M-Lab research lab. Impacts of the Safer-By-Design approach on innovation management and on innovation IN management. 

2013 -

Launch and coordination of the NEIS (Nanotechnologies, Ecodesign, Innovation and Strategy) research chair. 

2012 – 

SERENADE LABEX. Safer Ecodesign Research and Education applied to NAnomaterial Development. Large-scale project funded by the French National Research Council (ANR). In charge of PRA1 and PEI2.


Principal Investigator of a research project on market structuration and firm strategies in nanotechnologies. HEC-ESCPEurope-NOVANCIA-ESIEE Research Chair in innovation and entrepreneurship. 

2009 -  

Relations between innovation, institutional change and entrepreneurial dynamics in nanotechnologies. Novancia Business School, Paris.

2003- 2009  

Co-emergence of new industries and institutional practices. Sustainable development. Institutional and industrial emergence of nanotechnologies. Imperial College Business School, London and SciencesPo Chair of Environment, Sustainable development and risk, Paris. 


Civil society, institutional and technological innovation. CBEN (Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology), Rice University, USA. 


Role of NGOs in the institutionalization of large multilateral organizations. Research in collaboration with key representatives of the international organization of the Commonwealth including its Secretary General, Paris University and London University, CPSU (Commonwealth Policy Studies Unit).


Globalization, new technologies and societal change.



Master IRN (Innovation, Réseaux et Numérique), Université Paris-Dauphine ‘Risk and Crisis Management)

Since 2008 

Master of Entrepreneurship, Novancia Business School, Paris. Courses taught: ‘Innovation and environmental strategies’, ‘Strategy analysis’, ‘Change management’, ‘Business models’, ‘Ecodesign and ecopreneurship’. 

2006- 2009 

Master of International Affairs - Environment, Sustainable Development, Risk, Sciences Po, Paris. Courses on 'Science, expertise and regulation'. 


MBA modules ‘Public and Non-profit Financial and Strategic Management’ and ‘Risk Group and Entrepreneurship’. Courses on NGOS and sustainable development and on nanotechnology entrepreneurship, Rice University, Jones Graduate Business School, Houston, USA.

Seminars on the Commonwealth, multilateral organizations and civil society, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London University, and Commonwealth  studies department, Paris-Sorbonne University, France. 

1989- 2000

Lecturer in the French Grandes Ecoles system: Business English, CPGE Daniélou, France.


Project Manager, House of Public Affairs, Université Paris-Dauphine, PSL University.

Director of Research, Paris-Dauphine Doctoral School of Management (ED 543), DRM-MLab Research Center (DRM -UMR 7088) since 2012. PhD supervision ( )Paris Dauphine is part of PSL university, one of the leading French Universities. 

Partner of the SERENADE LABEX (Laboratoire d’Excellence): Safer Ecodesign Research and Education applied to NAnomaterial Development. Large-scale project funded by the French National Research Council (ANR) since 2012.

Track chair, European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Committee member of ANR research programs (French National Research Council): SYSTERRA (Ecosystèmes, territoires, ressources vivantes et agricultures), ECOTECH (Production durable et technologies de l’environnement) and ECO-TS (EcoTechnologies et EcoServices) since 2008.

Associate researcher, CEINT (Center for the Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology), Duke University, USA.

Member of the database of risk assessment experts, European Commission, Health and Consumers Directorate-General, 2009.

Organisation of the Workshop 'Generating a frame for nanoproducts and building trust', VivAgora, Paris, September 2008. 

EURAM (European Academy of Management) track chair, 2006, 2007 and 2008.

Collaboration with the NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research) on the program 'Emerging Industries: Nanotechnology and Nano-indicators', 2008, USA.

Participating member, Cycle Nanomonde, 'Nanomonde: quels choix technologiques pour quelle société?', Cité Universitaire Internationale, Paris, 2006.

Member of the economics group and steering group of the second and third Global Forums for sustainable development, French Senate, Paris, November 2004 and December 2005.

Consulting activities with the international organization of the Commonwealth (2002-2004)

Member of the editorial boards of International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (Inderscience Publishers), The Round Table (Routledge), Society and Business Review (Emerald), the Scandinavian Journal of Management (Elsevier).

Reviewer for two AOM (Academy of Management) sections: BPS (Business Policy and Strategy) and TIM (Technology and Innovation Management).